Thursday, 8 September 2011

Rebalancing the voice (letter to a friend)

Please forgive the way in which I communicate what it is I am committed to. Fact is I remain committed to distinguishing and discovering and restoring equality. It is my drive as an international lawyer, it is my purpose in life. It is part of who I am as a woman. And it is not only about equality between women and men, it is about equality between all human beings. And equality of the resources we have to live with.

So when it comes from a breath fuelled with fire, I apologise if it leaves you feeling scorched, and if it leaves the echo of a racket rather than of speaking to a possibility. The world I speak about is not cold, it is quite the opposite. But the way I speak about it is still driven by the rage I have at injustice.

And it is driven by the fact that certain voices have been silenced over time, and when these voices get loud they are told to calm down, be nice, wait their turn. But it's only because these voices dare to get loud that social change is made possible.

What interests me is how the pendulum swings. How to access the unsaid. And how to find the middle point of rest, the point of balance and equality, between the swinging extremes. In that I acknowledge that my rage-fuelled voice is too loud, and is still informed by the past.

When I said I am searching out the rebalancing, what I mean is I am still learning and discovering how to communicate it without there being the accusations I used to speak with, and without it being about fixing a wrong, but rather about inspiring towards something where we are all fulfilled.

And when I said I am searching out the rebalancing, what I also mean is rebalancing gender, but it's also about consciousness and unconsciousness, about shadow and divinity, about the mascuilinity and femininity in all of us, the animus and the anima.

It's my "new model", I'm just still figuring out how it all fits together and, more importantly, how to bring the dialogue about it when there is indeed a lot of righteous rage caught up in it.

Please have patience with me as I figure this out. This is truly important to me and to the world I wish to live in.

Please read this blog - it's part of this process of learning to articulate what comes up for me in those moments.

Much love and respect