Tuesday, 16 March 2010

How does a lobster grow?

An email I received from a friend after sharing with him how it occurs to me to be vulnerable...

How does a Lobster Grow?
When it is time for a lobster to grow, the lobster comes out of its hiding place and sits on the ocean floor.
There it slowly sheds its current shell; marine biologists agree that they think this is an uncomfortable process for the lobster.
Then without it’s shell it sits there, exposed and vulnerable, and then drinks lots of water and the water literally expands the lobster and it grows right there and then.
Over the course of a few minutes, the salt water hardens the mucus membrane and a new shell is formed.
The lobster is bigger and stronger and ready for the next phase of its life.
When it is time to grow you have to shed your defenses, be vulnerable and take on board love and contribution – this is how lobsters grow and how humans grow too.

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