Monday, 22 March 2010

Spring Equinox - Night of the Goddesses

On the last night of winter they gathered and sat around a table laden with food, candles, incense and love, and they drank Spring Nectar and drew and painted and talked.

And not jsut about anything. For they didn't know each other well before this evening. So they took turns to share where they had come from and where they were going. What they want from this next year of life, and what they want to give and to learn. It was clear that they all needed to connect more often with other women, to learn from each other, to nurture each other, to laugh together, to discover together.

They each wrote down what they were letting go of as another season, another phase of life was passing. And they stood outside in a circle and lit their words and watched the fire engulf and destroy those words. And they farewelled so many ungodly ways and felt the cool, fresh air as the ashes died out. It was time to create anew.

And the next morning, the first day of Spring, the sun shone as it had not dared to do for months. And with the Durga energy they cleaned the House of Goddesses and sat in the warm sunlight in the garden and breathed in the new season.

The new creation had begun.

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