Saturday, 13 March 2010

Knowing and not knowing

I showed something to my sister goddess in training, proud of what I had seen and discovered and how I could articulate it...

and her response was "I think you can be more vulnerable. Try not to come from knowing."

I KNOW that's my greatest challenge, to come from un-knowing - ha ha.
The problem is I don't know what it is to come from un-knowing - ha ha.

What is it not to know, not to have to be in control, not to protect my ego with knowing nods of agreement and insightful responses? What is it to risk coming across as naive, or to really speak from my heart and risk being hurt? What is it to unleash all of that passion to someone else who can choose to receive it or not? What is it to yield, surrender, completely, discover from the soul instead of the mind?

And the irony is, I will never know, because that would be knowing again.

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